Bizabiza bring lost lover by burning

$ 250.00

Bizabiza / it is muthi to call upon, to bring, bizabiza is the spell to call and bring back the person who has left you and you want them back. You use this muthi, spell, magic charm for a person who have left you, abandoned you and dropped you for someone else or something. This spell works when someone you want to be with leaves or abandons you. When your lover has left you Bizabiza is the only answer.

Category: Uncategorized

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Any questions or needs? Please let me know, I (Khokhovula, traditional healer) am willing to help and or advise you.

Please contact me on +27730373093 / +27638111178 / +27638146291 / +27832924922. You can also send me an email: [email protected].

One thought on “Bizabiza bring lost lover by burning

  1. Great One I do break in and safe cracking, but alarms are my concern right now. Can you help me

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