Dreams of the forest

If you dream of being in the forest, it means that you are lost, puzzled, feel insecure and you are looking for certainty or something to hold on to.
Seeing a beautiful forest is a sign that you have a strong faith in the future and foretells prosperity.
If you dream of a fire in the forest, you need to pay close attention to your health. Seeing the edge of the forest denotes the end of a friendship or relationship. If you are lost in a big forest, you will have a financial gain.

When you find yourself walking through a forest in your dream, this symbolizes that you are trying to hold onto something which has been lost,
the reason your subconscious mind moves through landscapes in your dream generally means that you are feeling unsettled and insecure.
In regards to the spiritual meaning of this dream a forest often symbolizes spiritual enlightenment as your soul is entering areas that have yet to be explored.
It is important to recognize that you should be working towards what you want from life.

Below are some dream interpretations of the forest.

  • In dreams – Forest means being confused or lost:
  • Difficulties in finding a solution or thinking out a situation.
  • Difficulty in finding peaceful removal from problems,
  • it instills sense of security needed, it also points to failure to find your true path in life,
  • it is as well as guilty secret in you, it denotes loss in business, unhappy home influences and quarrels among family

If you dream that you got lost in a big forest it is an omen of financial gain,
if you are poor and lost, but you will experience loss if you are affluent.

A stroll through a beautiful green forest with tall trees in a dream: show that you will have a period of hardship followed by release from worry and then success in your endeavors.

They may represent your unconscious or your “mental space”.
If you are lost in the woods it may be a reflection of feelings of confusion and lack of clear direction.
Also, dreaming of being lost in a big forest; it is an omen of financial gain, if you are poor and lost.
If you are well off and lost, you will experience loss.
A stroll through a beautiful green forest with tall trees show that you will have a period of hardship followed by release from worry and then success in your endeavors.

Dreaming of eating a salad could be your subconscious minds way of telling you to do just that!
Perhaps by eating more salads you will forestall the sickness and ill health this dream denotes.
If you dream of making it yourself this could mean a quarrel with a loved one.

To dream of an old spreading oak means long life and prosperity.
If it is filled with acorns you are due to a promotion or some type of increase in your life.
If a newlywed sees many oak trees in a forest it foretells a long marriage and many children.
It is also the symbol for the tree of life and denotes good luck in all cases where the oak is healthy; reverse if the oak is sick or damaged.


Woods same as Forest.

The unconscious; Growth, Strength; Animals in the forest represent repressed contents of the unconscious.
Beautiful green woods with lots of life and growth shows an increase in your station in life as well as your income.
Woods seen on an overcast day with a dark and dreary appearance reports danger for the dreamer.
To see the woods in your dream represents life, Fertility, Rejuvenation, and Spring.
Alternatively, it symbolizes the unknown and unconscious.
You may be discovering your instinctual nature. To see dried up, dying woods in your dream, suggests that there is a situation in your life that has not yet been resolved.
You may also be overwhelmed with a problem or issue.


To dream of nature, denotes freedom, tranquility, restoration, and renewal. It may represent that your internal instincts are experienced and expressed.
Seeing beautiful trees in dreams, or planting trees, is a very positive omen for love & friendships.

Cutting down trees in your dream

signifies current difficulties that are of your own doing, it also signifies that you are wasting your energy, time, and money on foolish pursuits.
To dream that you are climbing a tree signifies that you will achieve your career goals and reach those high places in society. The degree of difficulty to which you climb the tree will measure the speed of your achievement of these goals.
To climb up a tree hard and slippery signifies hard work with little gain it may also mean loneliness. It purely means achievement and success if you climb easy to the top.
To see big, old and fresh small trees: signifies past lives or memories, ancient times, in past embodiment and earlier models of yourself.
To see blossoming green trees in your dream, symbolizes new hopes, growth and desires. It also implies strength and stability. You are concentrating on your own self-development and individuality.
To see a falling tree in your dream indicates that you are off balance and out of channel, you are off track and headed in the wrong direction.



If you dream of intermingle it denotes you have many impenetrable problems that keep you from making a success of either business or marriage.

If the labyrinth is filled with green plants and trees then you will find happiness and love in the midst of hopelessness or misery.
A garden filled with fresh growing vegetables denotes that you will be prosperous only if you exercise conscientiousness in caring for your business.
If your dream garden is of flowers and fresh green trees then it foretells of a true love and a pleasant home in lovely surroundings.
Should the garden be dying then you must take steps to secure your enterprise.

Traditionally: dreaming of beautiful gardens is symbolic of great happiness and love.

If the garden is wild it means that you may have difficulties, but with some care and attention you are capable of overcoming them. A garden filled with fresh growing vegetables denotes that you will be prosperous only if you exercise diligence in caring for your business. If your dream garden is of flowers and fresh green trees then it foretells of a true love and a pleasant home in lovely surroundings. Should the garden be dying then you must take steps to secure your enterprise.
To see orange trees in your dream signifies health and prosperity. To dream that you are eating oranges denotes negative sensations, dissatisfaction in your business circles, illness in the family, or separation/loss of a lover.

Empty fields: The subconscious ready for planting ideas and programming.

When you return later and it is all grown up with flowers, trees or weeds, it represents your set of memory complexes or fortune. What is produced in the field relates to growth…depending on the state of it or what it is.

To see a eucalyptus tree or its products in your dream represents protection and the need to feel protected.
To dream that you are grafting something indicates that you are making connections and bonds. You may be bringing together two different things that would better exist apart.
To dream of icicles melting from trees is an omen that problems you have with land or real estate will soon ”melt” away. To see icicles forming is an ill omen and portends that you have troubles or problems that will shortly manifest themselves. To dream of icicles melting off the roof of your home means your marital problems will end.
To see a Joshua tree in your dream, symbolizes spirituality, purity and natural achievement. It also represents strength and courage.
To see lemons growing in trees denotes that there is no reason or basis for your jealous rages. To dream that you are eating or sucking on lemons denotes embarrassments and bitter disappointments. You are experiencing much social difficulties. To dream that you are squeezing a lemon, suggest that you need to be more economical.
To see a magnolia tree in your dream indicates your need for attention and to be noticed. You are being overly confident in your abilities. Alternatively, it represents your need to feel protected and safe from problems of life.
To see a maple in your dream, symbolizes humility, warmth, and openness. It also indicates positive gains, happiness and fullness of life. To see a falling maple tree, indicates family disharmony and broken ties. To see a maple leaf in your dream represents each of the five senses and what it has to offer. It also denotes a helping or protective hand.
Dream of palm trees are bearer of news, hope and peace but if the trees are withered or in some manner destroyed then will your peace be removed from you for a while and you may hear of some event that saddens you. To see one palm tree standing alone is an omen of the loss of a good friend. Simply to see palm trees in your dream, designate tranquility, high aspirations, victory, and hopes.
To see a road in your dream indicates your sense of direction and pursuit of your goals. To see a winding and bumpy road in your dream signifies that you will find many obstacles and setbacks toward your goals. You may be met with unexpected difficulties. To see a smooth road bordered by green trees and flowers indicates a steady progress and steady climb up the shared steps. If the road is straight and narrow, then it means that your path to success is going according as planned. To see an unknown road in your dream signifies that your new project will cause more grief than it is worth and a waste of time.
To see roots of the trees or plants in your dream, symbolizes the depths and core of your unconscious mind and soul. It represents your values and belief system. Alternatively, it denotes your family ties and bonds. You may be searching into your past. It also connects you to some health matters of the people.
To dream of snow in all its forms, on trees, storms, etc., is a dream of very good omen which shows you will have success in business or investments, but if you should eat the snow this will foretell a long period of sadness for the dreamer.
A tree may symbolize the power of personal growth. Just as a tree blossoms in the spring so too should a person in their growth as a person. A dead tree would indicate you are lacking this quality in your life. A withered tree may symbolize a dried-up state of being, one who lives too much from the head with unbending rules taking the place of gut feeling. The tree symbolizes a complete Self in one embodiment. Trees represent the life force; psychic growth and development; success.
Dreaming of eating a salad could be your subconscious minds way of telling you to do just that! Perhaps by eating more salads you will forestall the sickness and ill health this dream denotes. If you dream of making it yourself this could mean a quarrel with a loved one.
To dream of an old spreading oak tree means long life and prosperity. If it is filled with acorns you are due to a promotion or some type of increase in your life. If a newlywed sees many oak trees in a forest it foretells a long marriage and many children. It is also the symbol for the tree of life and denotes good luck in all cases where the oak is healthy; it means the opposite if the oak is sick or damaged.

Woods same as forest. The unconscious growth, strength;

animals in the forest represent repressed contents of the unconscious. Beautiful green woods with lots of life and growth shows an increase in your station in life as well as your income. If the woods are dried up or dying then the opposite will prevail for you. Woods seen on an overcast day with a dark and dreary appearance harbingers danger for the dreamer. Woods in your dream represents life, fertility, rejuvenation, and spring. Alternatively, it symbolizes the unknown and unconscious. You may be discovering your instinctual nature. To see dried up, dying woods in your dream, suggests that there is a situation in your life that has not yet been resolved. You may also be overwhelmed with a problem or issue.

If somebody is following you in the forest or wood

then it is likely that you need to be aware that something which has happened in the past is likely to have again in the future. If the person is behind this then you need to look at the way you approach situations in the past and find the strength to approach the new situations with a positive force. In conclusion, this dream is an emotional wake-up call you need to start to understand your intuition and your hidden thoughts in order to succeed in your life.

If in your dream you see a burning, raging forest fire then this is a symbol of success of great things to come in your life shortly.

If you are being chased in a forest and you are trying to hide from your pursuer then this dream indicates that you have been finding it difficult to be able to communicate with somebody of importance.


To see the sun beaming

through the trees indicates that you are going to be able to resolve a long-standing problem. If you can see flower heads in your dream or blossoms then this indicates that you may have a broken friendship which is causing you problems either now or in the future.

If the forest is in a foreign place or country

that you are unaware of then this dream is an indication that your desire in life is closer to you than you imagine. It is important to be aware that you must have the patience in order to see through the desires and exciting times which lie ahead.


If you see a Fountain within the forest

then this indicates that you may feel some frustration in the future. If it is daylight in your dream then this promises hope of a better tomorrow.


If the forest suddenly turns into the jungle

then you are being warned to stop getting yourself involved in financial pickles. If the forest is on an island then this indicates that you can expect some exciting times in the near future.


To dream of seeing it is within the forest

indicates that you will encounter success in love. If however, they hedge is of a thorny nature then this indicates that you are going to have a rival that you will need to take on in the future.


If you dream you encounter the sensation of being taller than the forest or extremely small

then you are likely to encounter some embarrassment in the future. The result of this is that the forest in general is a place to hide.


If it takes a long time to walk through the forest

then it shows that you are trying to embrace a problem and find a swift solution. The key to this dream is to become wiser and better at situations that you encounter. Dream theorists believe that this dream is associated with business affairs. If you are in a forest and you can see around you lots of greenery then this denotes that happiness and success in your dealings will result in the near future.


If you find that the forest is covered in dead leaves if it is autumn;

it generally signifies a relationship or something important that have come to an end.


If one sees a blazing fire with sparks shooting in every direction

and burning in the forest and raging with turbulent noise and uproar in a dream, it means rebelliousness, civic disorder or an adversity through which many people will die.


To see timber in your dreams is an augury of prosperous times and peaceful surroundings.

If the timber appears dead, there are great disappointments for you.


If you saw and heard rain falling in the forest while you were in it

this symbolizes forgiveness and grace.


To dream of the mythical bigfoot in the forest

may represent a person or situation in your life that offers warm companionship, yet is a dangerous threat to your well-being. If you dreamed of a mountain-dwelling bigfoot, you will need to be strong to get through a tough social or emotional ordeal. If the creature you saw dwelled in the forest, follow your instincts to keep certain things to yourself – this is an important time to protect your privacy. Also be careful of giving in to irrational urges that go against what’s best for you.


Dreaming that you are strolling through a forest

demonstrates that your hardships will pay off and lead to success and prosperity. Dreaming that you are lost in a dense forest indicates that you are searching through your unconscious for a better understanding of yourself. *Please see also Woods. This dream is also a sign that you are likely to encounter inheritance in the near future.

  1. Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a forest…
  2. Confusion.
  3. Limitations.
  4. Ability.
  5. Proficiency
  6. Realization.
  7. Understanding.
  8. Subconscious mind.
  9. Negative feelings.
  10. Fearing that you are unable to get out of the forest.
  11. Recognition that you need to take the initiative will to identify why you have had a dream in a forest.
  12. Initiatives.
  13. Practical.
  14. Follow.
  15. Enjoyment.
  16. Enchanting.
  17. Having faith in your own ability.
  18. Emotional.
  19. Ready to take on a journey.
  20. Frightening.
  21. Sensitivity.

Your dream may involve

That you find yourself suddenly lost in a forest. Wandering through a forest. You are being chased in a forest. That you are looking at trees in your dream. That you are walking in a forest. That you meet somebody you didn’t know and had a conversation. Entered a cave or witnessed a beautiful stream in the forest. Encountered an attack in the forest. Found yourself entering areas of the forest that has never been explored. Dreaming of a group of trees. Seeing a small wood.Feeling like you are in a maze. Finding a house in the forest.

Positive forms of forest dreaming

Within your dream you are able to understand your emotional self.
You meet somebody along the way when in the wood that was able to help you.
The grounds of the forest were covered with greenery.
The forest was featured in a fairytale.
You meet somebody of authority within the forest who gave you advice.
The dream was pleasant and you were left happy.
You are able to explore and touch areas of the forest in your dream.
During your dream you felt that you were at one with nature.
The main feature of the forest was the beautiful greenery and the trees.
You encountered a forest fire.
The dream was so brilliant that you were able to enjoy the greenery within the forest.

1920s Forest dream meanings…

If you are hiding in a forest then you are likely to encounter deal around the secret.
If you are lost in a forest then this indicates that you are unlikely to be able to express your feelings in the future, which will lead to the wrong path in life being chosen.
This dream means your soul is entering places it has never be.
If you are unable to find the correct direction in the forest then you have been doubting your own abilities.
To dream of a forest at night time (or if this is in darkness) then it is important to understand that negative situations that have surfaced over the last two months will soon have a resolution.
If you are roaming in a forest then this dream predicts a happy and content life. If you are a single person (in waking life) and not yet married then this dream symbolizes that you are going to meet a partner and have more than two children.
If you are already married then If you dream of a forest then this shows that you may feel at one with nature or will do shortly.
In waking life there are many times we feel lost, rejected, borate all confused.

1930s Forest dream meanings…

The forest is a symbol of meditation and this dream is telling you to slow down as you are stressed out.
The forest hides are true feelings and if you have encounter trees and greenery in dream we may be holding back a secret from a loved one.
If animals are lurking in the forest best then this indicates that we have multiple different paths that we can take in order to improve our lives.
If you make a mistake in a forest and you’re unable to get out because it is a maze then you are likely to lose something that is important to you.
If you are alone and frightened in your dream then this signifies that somebody is going to break a promise made to you.
Many ancient dream interpreters found the forest indicates trouble and sorrow but this is an old fashioned interpretation.

Remember the forest has a lot to offer to humans.

Any questions or needs? Please let me know, I (Khokhovula, traditional healer) am willing to help and or advise you.

Please contact me on +27 73 0373 093 or +27 72 6143 795. You can also send me an email: [email protected].

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