Prophetic Powers And Miraculous Powers For Pastors And Bishops

Rituals for prophetic and spiritual powers by Khokhovula Gundabaloyi, serving pastors and all the church leaders who want to be highly spiritual and prophetic as well as being miraculous and powerful; you are powered to run your church business profitably.


CONFLICT OF RELIGIONS AND SPIRITUAL TRADITIONS According to some estimates there are around 4500 religions in the world. The word religion is sometimes used interchangeably with faith or belief system but religion differs from private belief in that it has a public aspect. Most religions have organized behaviors including clerical hierarchies, a definition of what […]


MAKE YOUR ORDER NOW Isinyama / Ibhadi / Bad luck comes in too many different forms; it all depends on how the bad luck spell caster sent it to deal with you. Isinyama, ibhadi (Bad luck) does not have kindness, it treasures in seeing you having bad things happening to you, accusations and negative happenings […]

God Is For Everyone Irregardless Of A Belief!!!

I khokhovula Gundabaloyi, Lenn Morton Ndebele have always wanted this chance to communicate with the whole world about the world religions, traditional beliefs, spiritual beliefs of different people of the world, their understanding of one another, their love and hate of one another as we have heard about religious wars, tribal and wars based on […]

Isichitho soTwayi noma se Mbabazane

The breakup spell (Isichitho) of allergies Isichitho sotwayi/ukuluma komzimba/ukusthanduka kwesikhumba sengangathi uphashile/ukhwekhwe thizeni oluhambisana nembandama besekuyaluma sengathi uhaqazwe yimbabazane: This kind of isichitho is very deadly, dangerous and fatal because sometime it hides when you go for a hospital check, the western specialist will diagnose nothing wrong in your body yet it is continuing to eat you up. Untreated it results in death after a long pain, itching, and all that irritation of itches. This mainly starts by attacking your private parts and surrounding areas of your body.

Healing spirituality with vapor and rainbows

In spiritual healing and traditional understanding, vapor and rainbow means the connection of different spirits. It is the water spirits that connects with the mountain spirits, the spirit of the sky and that of the rivers. The rainbow, vapor and the mountains are used in giving spiritual powers and powers for successful leadership in all aspects, in a church, political and none political, miraculous, magical, sangoma , psychic, angel reading, inyanga, business and success powers.

Traditional healing and spiritual connections through Impepho

When you burn Impepho the spirits delights and get higher and listen to your requests and also attend to them. Burning Impepho for another member of the family doesn’t help him, it only makes your own guides happy and this has a negative impact on the person you are performing offerings and rituals for) Impepho is a sacred herb that ever since has been used to bring about the presence of the spirits. From the ancient Israel of the foundation of the Abrahamic foundation to today Impepho is mentioned

Spiritual, Traditional healing and the Light

Inviting the light and the spirit guides of your life that guards you and protects you from your enemies, at the same time giving you light that makes sure your things just flow positively. These spirits help you before you even consider the help of a traditional healer or a spiritualist like Khokhovula if they are present and clean. Some people light candles and others just fire, inviting the light (Ukukhanya in Zulu) (Chiyedza in Shona) (Tshedza in Venda) and (The light in English)

Traditional and Spiritual healing powers and foreseeing with bones

I was sent by the spirits through dreams to the bush and I was told that I will find a long dead animal and they named it, they farther told me that the animal had long died with all bones white but was never eaten by any wild animal or anything when it died until now then that I had to go to it. When I got there to the bones I was commanded to pick different bones there, of which I did. When I got to my place with h different bones, I was directed to mark some of them according to the commandment and some I had to live them unmarked until further orders from the spirits. My spirits uses not only bones to tell people’s problems or to read people’ life matters, they also use voices and whistles (Amazwi or imilayezo yabaphansi and Abelozi in Zulu)