Velabahleke Muthi

Who needs Velabahleke

Uvelabahleke / Velabahleke Muthi is needed by a person who want to charm some people or a specific person, and when he/she appears he/she becomes magnetic to the person or people that Uvelabahleke or velabahleke is directed  to.

What does Uvelabahleke or Velabahleke do to a person

Uvelabahleke lures a person, it appeals, it makes one just feel fond of one who uses or have used Velabahleke. Velabahleke makes one feels excited about someone for no apparent reason, couples sometime use it to make their lovers enjoy their presence. In the other hand Uvelabahleke can be used by some people at work to make their bosses enjoy their presence and like them.

Love spells

Where is Velabahleke mostly used?

Velabahleke is used by a lot of different people more especially the leaders, the celebrities, the MCs, it is used in politics by politicians addressing their members, and it is used by pastors and preachers to be liked in their congregations and elsewhere. Velabahleke is used by many crowd addressors to create smiles, laughter and enjoyment in their audiences.

Velabahleke wonders

Bathi unogazi, bayamthanda  abantu, umane nje afike kuvuke nolele, kufika yena nje kujatshulwe kusine ngisho esinedolo. ‘They say that he is a sweet one, people like him, he finds people bored, some sleeping, the church not good at all, without liveliness but when he is there everybody gets vivacity. At his presence everybody feels happy and there is full of smiles and laughter’

Velabahleke works

For instance, there are very barbaric leaders in different aspect of leadership on this planet, in sports, politics, church, business etc; but still they have their own audience, the followers who like them for their barbarism, the followers who follow them even if they don’t feel like following anymore, the followers who say bad things about these people during their absence, but when they are there , they just feel good about them and see themselves being stooge members or followers; that is the work of Velabahleke.

Any questions or needs? Please let me know, I (Khokhovula, traditional healer) am willing to help and or advise you.

Please contact me on +27 73 0373 093 or +27 72 6143 795. You can also send me an email: [email protected].

8 thoughts on “Velabahleke Muthi

  1. I love attention I don’t like to fight with people this medicine I haven’t used it but I can its really good to loved its a good feeling

  2. good day…I have been to interviews they go well but i don’t get a Job, I am unemployed and I need a job,I am so miserable..please advise

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