Khokhovula: beating the drum in front of the fire with the chicken slaughtered and opened, with the heart of the chicken removed but pumping for thirty minutes or one hour and above depending on the strength and the resistance of the enemy, if conducting revenge.
In power giving it depends on the blood pertain of the person receiving powers, the strengths and weaknesses of that particular person. The pulse beat of the heart may vary depending on the type of the power required, the pulse beat may be hard or soft, longer or shorter; at that time the drum beat is used to stimulate the powers and appease the ancestor spirits involved.

Khokhovula is piercing the dead and opened chicken with the thorns of a porcupine, in front of the fire.
Khokhovula is piercing the dead and opened chicken with the thorns of a porcupine, in front of the fire. The thorns will be used to give the body of a person strength and binding for all negativities that might want to spoil the body altogether with the soul to fail.

Khokhovula beating the drum (Ngoma) in front of the fire.
Khokhovula beating the drum (Ngoma) in front of the fire and the pierced chicken requesting the ancestor spirits to take their part, to give powers, bless if the purpose of this work / ritual was for blessing, give strength if it was for power giving, and fight if it was for fighting witches or revenge to any attacks.

Khokhovula dancing to the sounds of the ancestor spirits.
Khokhovula dancing to the sounds of the ancestor spirits, carrying his drum (Ngoma), the horn drum for power (Ingoma yophondo yamandla) on his right hand and the power horn for revenge and fighting on his left hand (Read about the horn of revenge under the title ‘The horn of revenge’ on www.khokhovula.co.za) this same website. In front of him is the flesh of the chicken (the whole body of the chicken opened and the big fire waiting to burn and eat the whole chicken into ashes.
In the very same case of getting strength, powers and riches we have heard of people who kill others for their body parts to be used for such things. It is happens everywhere, all over the world, that is not traditional and spiritual healing, it is totally murder. These people must learn from Khokhovula that just animals, chickens and goats works instead. I really don’t understand it when spiritual people such as Pastors, Sangomas, and Psychics etc; are counted on most of these evil and terrifying acts.
What I have realized with people who do these killings for muthi, for riches, power and control is that they do not work for their families because whatever wealth they will have accumulated goes with them when they die. Sometime you may find that his wealth and fame become a problem to him before he dies, for instance, you may find that his wealth departs leaving him in very serious debts or he dies and the inheritors of his wealth start to suffer being troubled by the person that the deceased killed for muthi.
By this time the inheritors of that wealth won’t know the services they have to offer the metamophosized person in order to get on well, so the metamophosized person will trouble those who are currently in charge of that particular wealth. So this way of accumulating wealth is not healthy. It is like poisoning yourself and the family. Take it from Khokhovula, use animals.

Khokhovula putting the chicken on fire and burning it as a burnt offering to the spirits, look at the other side there is water and the banks of the river in forms of rocks which clearly shows you that it is also the bottom of the mountain.
Khokhovula putting the chicken on fire and burning it as a burnt offering to the spirits, look at the other side there is water and the banks of the river in forms of rocks which clearly shows you that it is also the bottom of the mountain. All this work is performed here to attract the spirits of the water and those of the mountain. Fire also burns away antiquated aspects of the self and limiting beliefs.

Here Khokhovula have put down every tool, filled with the spirits he is dancing around the fire singing songs of his ancestors from one song to another depending on the spirits present at this point in time.
Here Khokhovula have put down every tool, filled with the spirits he is dancing around the fire singing songs of his ancestors from one song to another depending on the spirits present at this point in time. Here he is surrounded by the waters and not far from the mountain and the forests, so he is surrounded by a lot of spirits. He feels the power, the power that in turn he gives to those who need it for different purposes of wining and gaining.

Khokhovula is turning and burning the chicken after a heavy and long dance with the ancestors, he is pushing the burning red hot coals into the water, into the river and the water is a deep running waters.
Khokhovula is turning and burning the chicken after a heavy and long dance with the ancestors, he is pushing the burning red hot coals into the water, into the river and the water is a deep running waters. He pushes the flames into the water again this is not switching the fire off; it is culming things down, whatever thing is overly hot and boiling but to the wrong direction.

When you look into the water you see the picture of yourself as in the mirror, here Khokhovula was seeing the water spirits and taking commands and instructions right straight from the water.
When you look into the water you see the picture of yourself as in the mirror, here Khokhovula was seeing the water spirits and taking commands and instructions right straight from the water. He uses the set of rituals and beliefs that were used by indigenous societies and our primitives to bring about effective change in our world for better.
Fire is the natural element it springs from celestial sources in spiritual and traditional healing fire is used in spells, rituals and candle magic for healing, purification, breaking bad habits or destroying illness and disease. Fire is the element of authority and leadership. It is fire that we and our ancestors used to warm our homes, we use it to cook our food, we sit around it to put off the darkness of night, and it fuels our passions. Fire is the transformer, converting the energy of other objects into other forms: heat, light, ash, and smoke.
Fire is both creative and destructive.It is also for protection, courage, energy, strength, authority, and banishing negativity. Its physical form can only take place by consuming some other element.
In the above cases the fire consumed all the chicken and the spirits were happy and celebrating as they inhaled the good smells of roasting chicken. When spirit guides are pleased everything goes well with the person who did the rituals and the offerings.

Here the fire has got to be on the water that is flowing or forming from the mountain and flowing into the river and that water and the ashes can be used as well in rituals of power giving in this kind of binding.
Here the fire has got to be on the water that is flowing or forming from the mountain and flowing into the river and that water and the ashes can be used as well in rituals of power giving in this kind of binding. The higher powers of fire on the cliff.
My name is Khokhovula I am a traditional healer and a spiritualist my contact are +27 73 0373 093 / +27 72 6143 795 my email is [email protected]