Traditional and spiritual healing (Idliso and Idliso vomiting)
- In shona language of Zimbabwe they call it Mufuriwa or Kudyiswa mushonga werudo or Kudyiswa meaning being poisoned by means of Bantu muthi/mushonga slow poison.
- There are many words in Zulu language of South Africa for Idliso; they are Intando, Umandangaphathi and of course Idliso.
- It is called Igobondela and also Idliso in Ndebele language of Zimbabwe
- The Venda people of South Africa call it Tshiliso.
Idliso, Tshiliso and Kudyiswa words referes to both Idliso as love spells and as a slow poison. Intando Umandangaphakathi and Igobondela specifically refer to Idliso as a love spell.
Ngubani odlisa omunye, ukuze kube njani? Who gives who Idliso for what?
Abantu abaningi abesilisa nabesifazana bakholelwa ukuthi Idliso ngumuthi odliswa umuntu wesilisa ngowesifazana ukuze amthande, yebo kunjalo kodwa Idliso liza ngendlela eziningi ezihlukile, ngisho nabanye abesilisa bayabadlisa abesifazana.
Umuntu usuke efaka omunye Idliso ukuze amthande ngokwevile, okweqile nokudlulele aphinde amlawule. Indoda uma idlisiwe ngowesifazane ayikwazi ukuzwa abanye abantu, izwa yena nje yedwa, ngisho eseyihlomekisa eyifaka ngekhanda iyamlalela yenze ibone ngoba isisezinkingeni kanti isangaphinde yenze okunye futhi akushoyo ngoba idlisiwe. Ngeke azwe ngisho nabazalibakhe imbala, lelidliso ke alibulali ngaphandle kokuba lixushwe kabi ngomafundane lenzana isithutha.
Idliso comes in two ways; as a love spell and or slow poison
Idliso is muthi that one is given to eat so that he become a slave of love and do everything that a partner who gave him Idliso may want him to do. One becomes so blind in love that he can’t say no to anything. Idliso does not only come in a form of love spell as we have stated above, it also comes in a form of a slow poison where one would have privately/secretly put in your food Umuthi/Idliso with an intention to harm and kill you over a period of time.
Ofcorse there is a type of idliso or mixtures that have been done by the new people in the world of love spells, idliso and magic charms that when they expire become a sickness that relates to severe chest problems or TB. In this particular reason then Idliso can be fatal and I Khokhovula don’t call that Idliso but a fatal mistake of the new comers and those who take chances in the world of Muthi.
shows a man vomiting idliso at Khokhovula’s place
When Idliso is boiling and you are dumped
This picture shows a man vomiting idliso at Khokhovula’s place. This man had gone through severe stresses after he was damped by his Traffic cop mother of his child and a wife to be. The woman dumped him after having used Idliso on him. The man was hearing nothing or taking nothing from anyone who would want to advise or warn him on the disappointment that lies ahead of him with this mother of his child. He even had family feuds with his own family resulting from the conducts of this particular woman. The woman dumped him for a certain pastor and he was very frustrated.
After vomiting Idliso at Khokhovula, he started to give up the chase on his mother of the child. He got a new love with the lady working at the bank, the family and the friends are happy.
Picture 2: When Idliso is a slow poison and is got magic
When Idliso is a slow poison and is got magic
Now the people on picture 2 had a problem of Idliso not the one for love, but the one that acts as a slow poison. These people had been to a lot of places seeking for help but to no avail until they heard of Khokhovula and consulted. Their Idliso had magic that even if somebody had to take it out, it would go back to them again. It needed a powerful and tricky traditional and spiritual healer like Khokhovula who can beat the crookedness of magic.
They needed to be taken to the bush where they were going to dig vomit and burry all they vomited so that the magic won’t follow them again. This was done by Khokhovula through the horn power and Idliso was removed.
Bowl of vomit
These are the dishes containing Idliso/Amadliso that people have vomited at Khokhovula’s place. See pictures 3 and 4
This man has just finished vomiting Idliso at Khokhovula’s place
This man has just finished vomiting Idliso at Khokhovula’s place. He had both Amadliso, the one as a love spell and the other one a kind of slow poison and sickness.
My name is Khokhovula, I am a traditional healer and a spirit medium and my contact details are:
+27 73 0373 093 +27 72 6143 795
Email: [email protected]
Things that people do to others its not good they don’t know they can kill them people need to be toughed about these medicine
073 037 3093/072 614 3795
sawbona Baba.ngingowesfazane okholwa ukuthi unedliso.kyashisa esfuben kanti kunento eyehla yenyuka kubengathi izophuma ingminyanise isfuba ngibe nephika.
Ngsaba ngisho ukudla ngoba angibe ngsathola ngisho ubuthongo.uma ungangeluleka ngingabonga angfun ukshiya abantabam bodwa.ngyabonga.
Sawubona Nomboniso, ngiyafika manje kulobubusuku ngivela le e Zimbabwe; yima ngiyibona le email yakho. Ngibona kungcono ungifonele sihlele ukusizakala kwakho. Ingabe ukuphi nezwe. Ngifonele ku 0730373093 / 0726143795
Usunjani manj nami nginaleyo nkinga kodwa ukhona umuthi engiwuphuzayo khona sekugcono ukushisa sekusele ubuhkungu esfubeni
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 call me ngizakusiza
Sawubona babe ngingubabe ngiyabona nicoca ngesidliso;nami ngicabanga kutsi engine sidliso ngoba sifuba sami sibuhlungu.nekudla ngidla kakhulu but angisutsi;esifubeni sami ngiva kushisa ngatsi kunelije esifubeni
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 ngifonele sosebenza ngesidliso sibuyela kumnikazi
sawbona , ngise jhb ngicela ukwazi ukuthi kungathatha isikhati esingaki ngoba ngikholwa ukuthi ngine poison endidlayo esuswini.
nina ngifonele sisebenze ngakho 073 037 3093/072 614 3795
Ngaphupha ngidla ngagwinya into eyehla kabuhlungu esifubeni kusukela ngo2013. Lento ibiyehla yenyuka ngaphakathi ngizwa engathi ngingabuyisa. Ibe isihlala esifubeni lapho kushisa isifuba, kabuhlungu futhi akudleki kahle. Kade ngiphuza izimbiza zokulikhipha ngezansi kodwa akwenzeki lutho. Ngiphalazisiwe kodwa libuya ebusuku lapho ngiphupha khona ngidla. Benginakho nokuphupha ngilele nesilwane nsuku zonke. Ngihlezi ngiwumuntu okhathele mihla namalanga, angithandeki nakubantu, ngisho isithunzi anginaso. Ngilahlekelwa izinto zokugqoka njalo ngonyaka. Angilali kahle nasebusuku ngizwa lobubuhlungu. Sengize ngancipha emzimbeni ilelidliso elingalapheki.
buya kimi 073 037 3093/072 614 3795 sibusele isdliso kumnikazi
Ngiyabingelela baba,nginenkinga ngiphupha ngidla ngiphupha inyoka…nesoka lami la14years sihlezi sixabana uma nje Ngike ngiphupha akupheli ngisho usuku sihleka luphela sesixabene thank u ngisalinde usizo
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 ngithinte sosebenza mama
I am suffering I suspect idliso..i need help
kindly call me on 073 037 3093/072 614 3795 and i will assist you
Sawubona baba mina ngiwuthemba wase Daveyton,naminginalenkinga yedliso kuyashisa esfubeni kanti nokudla kuyabuya mangidla,njalo ngiphupha ngidla ebusuku mangilele,kanti nezinyawo zami ziyashisa ngiya chachazela nasokhalweni kade ngihamba odokotela lutho ikisizakala please help
Udlisiwe,kindly contact me on 073 037 3093/072 614 3795 ngizakusiza and i will help you sibusele idliso kulomuntu odlisiwe
Can you heal heart ?
Can you heal heart ?
Kindly contact me on 073 037 3093/072 614 3795 and i will assist you on should be done
contact me on 073 037 3093/072 614 3795 for more details
call me on 073 037 3093/072 614 3795
Does inyama yengwenya help with removing idliso
Yinkolole nje leyo yabantu, umuntu uyoze adle isbind nenyongo yengwewnya afe, abanye bathi inyama njengoba wena uzwile abanye njalo bathi amafutha wayo, kodwa ke mima ngikholelelwa ekuthini ngendlela ingwenya eziningi ngayo ngabe akasekho umuntu onedliso. Amadliso awefani ayehluka kodwa wonke alashwa ngendlela ehlukile kanti ke ngemithi efanele hhayi lenyama yengwenya.