Amandla, Udumo nobungcwethi njengomdlali
Amandla, udumo nobungcweti banoma imuphi umdlalo, ingaba ibhola lezinyawo, Ukugijima neminye imidlalo eminingi, umdlali uyakudinga ukuqiniswa ukuze akhuphuke, aphakame ezingeni lakhe lomdlalo. Umuthi namandla kamoya wabaphansi bayakwenza lokho.
The power, the fame and the skill in any game, it can be football, athletics and many other games. A player needs a binding so that he/she goes higher, bigger, and famous in the game and most of all that he/she becomes a winner.
Baningi abadlali abasebenzisa imithi, izinyanga, izangoma nabaningi benkolo ezihlukile ikanti kuyabasebenzela. (There are many players who use spiritual and traditional healers for their sporting carriers and it works for them) when you lack the presence of the spirits in these competition things sometime it goes very bad)
I have an example of a very talented and skilled player of a world class; a former Keizer chiefs Orlando Pirates player who had problems in line with my topic. He had all the talent any coach would need in the world, but spirits, witches, the unavailability of his spirit guides and bad luck in general did him a great deal of harm. He tried to change a surname it still did not work; he needed a person who knows that the healing part for him would come only from a proper offering to the spirits, conducted by a powerful spirit medium. (Inyanga or Sangoma).
I saw the same with an Orlando pirate’s player who ended up confused not knowing he is a player, a musician or what, his things were bad, he needed Muthi, and he needed the services of a powerful spiritual healer and a genuine Inyanga or Sangoma. We can fool ourselves when we have lots of money and want to ignore our roots as Africans thinking that we are westernized and our roots as Africans is something embarrassing to be seen doing or believing in, but at the end of the day it takes us back there under very harsh circumstances.
Many teams in sports have survived through Muthi and there is nothing wrong about that, and many African players abroad have gained fame through traditional healers through muthi and there is nothing wrong about that if it works for them.
Most of the players, the shining stars have each his own traditional healer who plays a role in his / her shining as a star. It happens according to the cultures and the traditions of a player. Some international players invite some traditional healers to their continents just for the services of the healer. Out of muthi there are stars and winners in different sports.
The document is about sport use of muthi, use these photos, cover the eyes of the marathoner and the label FARAH also cover the eyes of footballer no_9

Khokhovula is going into the bush with a player to fetch for some Muthi. Some Muthi needs to be used only when it is still fresh for some purposes when it can be used dry for the other. It is not only the African traditional attire that can be won when fetching for Muthi. Here on this picture we see Khokhovula wearing formal in a grey jacket and a cream formal trouser going to fetch for muthi for the sports man in the bush.
This simple shows that Khokhovula is an Inyanga and Sangoma even outside his traditional gear, what is Inyanga and Sangoma is him not the traditional gear

Here Khokhovula is coming from the bush where he sources things that he uses for his traditional and spiritual healing practices. This time around he is wearing his traditional healing and spiritual outfits. This is where some sporting individuals survive for their firm growth and success; even some celebrities source their powers for fame and success from Khokhovula and Khokhovula sources things to work with from bush.