Ukukhipha izikhonkwane zabathakathi ekhaya; Ndeble language of Zimbabwe, it can be said the same way in Zulu language of south Africa but in proper Zulu they put it as ‘Ukukhipha imithi yabathakathi ekhaya’ / in Venda language of South Africa they say ‘Ubvisa mishonga yavhaloyi mudini’
All the above statements means the same thing; Removing the dangerous muthi of witches at home or at a home where the witches have put the hazardous muthi to gain full access and full control of that particular home and its people. The witches would have fastened the home in an opposite way the home owner or family would do. The witches would be cursing the home at the same time making it a playing ground for some of their evil rituals making people of this home have problems one person after the other and one problem after the other as well as one disease after the other.
It is a lot of different things that witches can put in somebody’s home in order to spoil the homestead as a whole, some of their things are buried underground, in some cases they just throw these things into someone’s home, like the Pretoria Shoshanguve homes in the same line that appeared on Daily sun news paper with such a problem.
In some ways the throw these zikhonkwane as powder as the rain comes, these powders goes straight into the soil underground, this one is the most complicated one when it comes to removing it. It will be within the soil of the whole yard already and underground. It then needs a very powerful spiritual and traditional healer because without proper techniques it will be hard for any healer to extract it. It now needs the traditional and spiritual gurus of the likes of Khokhovula.
Izikhonkwane zabathakathi ekhaya are very dangerous, if they become dominant izikhonkwane, they swallow all yours and destroy all the efforts you might try to apply to challenge the witches who put them. This is the reason you find some people being ignorant, ignoring their problems of such natures pretending everything is alright or waiting for god to help them one evening come these things troubling.

Imithi yabathakathi ekhaya will make you feel uncomfortable and have a feeling of leaving the family and just go. Sometime it makes people contradict and may be fight at home time after time. In some cases it affects the children, you find them disobeying, you find them developing new and bad behaviors that you will hardly know where they got it from.
It is usual that when there is imithi yabathakathi in your home, there are sounds at night that you don’t understand and those sounds goes with fear, you will be afraid and imagining some fearful monsters or anything that frighten you to the marrow. Even the people’s dreams in this particular home explain themselves. The finances of this home explain itself. In some cases you may find that these things comprise of the rats and goblins that still your money and food. It comes in many forms; that is Imithi yabathakathi emzini womuntu.
Some imithi of Abathakathi in your home can be there waiting to chase your man if you are a woman or to chase a woman of yours if you are a man, they serve to create divorces. You may take it as a joke may be because it has not affected you as yet but these things I am talking about are there and strongly exist.
These abathakathi (witches and wizards put their imithi at night or possible during the day, someone can be sent to deliver it personally, but those who are rich with witchcraft who have served a long time in the trade, may send their livestock(the goblins because they might have multiplied for years and having many. Find a powerful and strong traditional healer of the likes of Khokhovula and clean your home.