Arbortion has been ligalised in many parts of the world, I can’t say anything about that, but there is one thing that people need to understand and that has troubled so many women; spiritually haunted by the spirits of the children they abort and those that has been miscarried and even those who died immidiately after birth.
The spirit of children, those who die before birth ( Misscarriage ) and those who are aborted and those who die emmidiatley after birth, trouble their mothers quiring their death and claiming their right to living.
The picture you are seeing on a white chart is not an actual drawing by a pen, a pencil or paint by the hands of a man. It is a baby springbok and the womb in which it was sleeping before it was removed when his mother became meat for some people.
When the mother was skinned for the meals by some people, I was directed by the spirits to go into the bucket where these people were keeping the insides that needed to be thrown to the dumpsite. The spirits asked me to take the insides of a springbok and they pointed me to something and told me it is a womb and I must take it, open it and remove the baby springbok from inside.
I took it and opened it, of course there was a baby springbok inside and the spirits ordered me to dry up that baby springbok and the womb it came from, of which I did so by putting it on a white paper and in the direct sunlight on the roof. It dried up within few days. Now the spirits came to me and asked me to take the dried womb and the baby springbok into my consulting room of which I did.
When I was sitting in my consultation room the spirits asked me as in what images do I see on the dried womb and the baby springbok, I told them that under the front legs of a baby springbok, I can see a woman looking worried, frustrated and may be stressed. I told them that I can see that the woman is covering herself with a blanket holding a baby with her face down which is a sign of agony.
And that was what it is; the spirits told me that the picture represents the troubled soul of women who lost their children several times to death before they could see the sun; it also went on to tell me that it also represent the troubled spirits of the children who were aborted and were robbed their rights and freedom to see the sun. It was said that these children are troubling their mothers because they are claiming their birth rights. The spirits said that even those who were dumped and died in the dust bins and some dumpsites are out to hunt for their mothers claiming their right to living. Those who experience miscarriages are asking to be born afresh by their mothers and threatening to harm their mothers and those children who might be conceived after them.

Being an Inyanga, a Sangoma and a spiritual healer, I have seen a lot of women who carry these spirits and whom are troubled by them. Some will tell you that every time they sleep they have listless or countless dreams about children crying so strange. Others will tell you that every time they go to bed and sleep they are attacked by small children in their dreams, I Khokhovula have helped a lot of those women to chase or calm down such spirits of the angry young ones.
In some cases you find that the woman has a chain of miscarriages, child deaths immediately after birth and dumping of children one child after the other. What follows after this is that the woman will be seen not being able to make children any more. I have helped a lot of women who were carrying such spirits and it had messed their marriages.
In South Africa there are a lot of these spirits, some young ladies are struggling to get babies because of these spirits.