What is the love binding spells?
Love binding spells are special spiritual love spells, magic charm, and enchantment, bring, hex, and transmission to create an indestructible, permanent, durable and everlasting bond of passion and love between lovers in relationships and marriages no matter what has happened between the lovers. These love binding spells are strong muthi accompanied by spiritual customs conducted by institutions, individuals and spiritual masters, cast with definite intellectual capacity to suite the need of the binder.
Love binding spell will solve all problems that lovers might have been faced with and that is why one has to be certain about the fact that they need a binding spell cast for them because spiritually after casting two souls will become one and protected as one permanently no matter what happens. Regardless of being together as one still there is one thing to bear in mind that the binder in this case is the one who dominates the relationship in all its spheres and the partner has to always comply. These spells are cast in combination for lost love help spells, Love binding spells and muthi, Remove curse break up spells, lucky charms and more.
Is love and sex worth dying for? For a few male marsupial species, it is and thus made a love binding spell by humans.
Male marsupial abandons every thing, every activity including eating for the sake of its female and mating; Isivoko can do sex for 14 hours and above and go on for about two weeks until it may be dies.
Some parts of Isivoko and some herbs are used to create strong love binding spells by humans and this is the best love binding spell since the beginning of mankind
Suicidal reproduction is common in nature. Many plants—including all grains, many vegetables, and all plants that live just a year—reproduce this way, as do salmon, insects, and a handful of frogs and lizards.
Isivoko/ the Dusky Antechnus are known to reproduce this way, these dads die after devoting all their resources and energy to mating, an effort that helps their sperm—and genes—win out. “Males with larger testes, better quality sperm, and better endurance succeed in more fertilization in competition with the sperm of other males when females mate with multiple males
The male isivoko’s last days of life are overcome with a feral, testosterone-fueled mating urge and engage in frantic sexual conduct, barely stopping to sleep or eat. Their little bodies disintegrate from the extensive self-neglect due to their last and the love of sex.
They are so caught up in mating that stress hormone levels in their blood increase to dangerous levels. After weeks of not taking care of themselves in favor of procreating, the males’ immune systems start to collapse, leaving them at risk of parasitic invasion, infections and even gangrene. Not to mention that they inflict ulcers, fur loss and even internal bleeding on themselves. Their bodies disintegrate as they are stripped of nutrients to fuel this two-week orgy. Even though they are bedraggled and broken, they die victorious.
The love binding spell by Antechnus
The love binding magic with Marsupial/ Dusky Antechnus/ Isivoko
I metamorphose, change, transform and transmute the loving energies, sexual appetite, fondness and the love to death of the Marsupial/Dusky Antechnus/ Isivoko to use it in human’s relationships and their passion to cause power loving.
The long sex and abandoning of food by the Marupial/Isivoko
It can do sex 12 to 14 hours and continue for several weeks or possibly months having abandoned eating due to the race against time and possibly die; so I do metamorphosis/transformation of that power to the human love affairs “Love me enough to be crucified for me” “L love you to die for you” All my life is yours bla-bla-bla
The way and the level your person must love you
Your person must love you more than any God/gods would, the God and the gods loves many people but that your person must love only you and enough to be crucified for you and over anything you may think of; thus Love binding Dusky Antechinus/Isivoko is the key.
In Zulu language
All the Nguni people can understand this language that includes Swazi people, Xhosa and all its sub languages; Ndebele people of Zimbabwe and of course the Zulus themselves. This article is not published only for the above mentioned Nguni people but for the whole world and the entire world’s people, thus we got it in English above.
Intando Isivoko/Love binding ‘Dusky Antechinus’
Imilingo yentando ngesivoko
Okuningi kwesivoko komzimba waso kuyasetshenziswa nemithi ekwakheni intando ngabantu ngedlela yokwelapha kwesintu. Lesilwanyana esincane senza izimanga ngokocansi lwaso (Sex); Senza ucansi size sifele khona. Lokho kusuke kudalwa yikuthi asidli nakudla umakuyisikhathi sazo sonyaka sokutholana noma ngithi ukuvakashelana ngokocansi.
Senza olude ucansi Isivoko kanti singumuthi wothando
Isivoko siyakwazi ukwenza ucansi amahora ayishuminambili osukwini siphindaphinda, asikwazi ukwenza enye into ngaphandle kokubeka amakhala njalo sinukisa ngasese kulesi sesifazana bese siyenza senzisise ucansi, uma kuqhubeka amasonto amabili kuya kwamathathu sisuke sesehlelwe ngamandla kumasotsha omzimba negazi seliphansi sife siquntuka uboya kwenzela kuso okomuntu onengculazi kodwa sifa njengeqhawe simithise eziningi lezinkomazi zaso.
Kwenzekani kuze Isivoko sibe intando/Umuthi wothando
Ngithwebula loluya thando lwaso isivoko, ukuzinikela kwaso kulesi sesifazana, nokuzinikela ekufeleni ocansini ngikwenze intando noma umuthi wothando ngokwabantu; angimi lapho ngithebula namandla waso ocansi abe ngokwabantu ocansini.
Izinga lothando okumele umuntu wakho akuthande ngalo
Kumele umuntu wakho akuthande njengesivoko sithanda inkomazi yaso, akuthande okokukufela, akukhuthalele, angehluleki nasocansini, aneliseke umanelise njengesivoko;
Yimi lo Khokhovula Gundabaloyi ‘Inkosi yabelaphi’
Ungavakashela kwi website yami enye www.khokhovula.co.za
+27726939085 and +270832924922

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