
Umeqo is a disease that attack people mainly starting from the feet and eventually attacking the whole body. This disease explains itself (Umeqo) (Ukweqa) Ukweqa is to jump in Zulu language. Now here they call this Bantu disease umeqo; meaning that you jumped the thing or you stepped on the thing that it got into you and started eating you up.

Umeqo doesn’t come only when you stepped on it or you jumped it, bad people can take the soil of the mark of your foot print and work on it calling the bad spirits to make you sick. They do this by cooking that soil, frying and roasting it, by so doing the magic reaches you and your feet start to be painful an swollen. That is umeqo.

I Khokhovula in my Sangoma / Inyanga carrier have dealt with a lot of umeqo cases in KwaZulu Natal province of South Africa. It is not only in KwaZulu Ntala where you have this umeqo thing, you have it in your area may be you call it in a different name.

Khokhovula mixing herbs

Khokhovula mixing herbs in his place of work at Venda Limpopo province of South Africa

The Shona people of Zimbabwe call it Chitsinga and the Ndebeles call it Isitsinga, they also call it ukucutshwa izinyawo, the Zulus call it ukucushwa izinyawo. The Vendas of Makhado in Limpopo province of South Africa call it Udzhiwa milenzhe.

It is always the work of inyanga and Sangoma to heal this Bantu disease called Umeqo.

Any questions or needs? Please let me know, I (Khokhovula, traditional healer) am willing to help and or advise you.

Please contact me on +27 73 0373 093 or +27 72 6143 795. You can also send me an email: [email protected].

6 thoughts on “Umeqo

  1. Sawubona nginenkinga yezilond ezingapholi, sengihambile izinyanga, abathandazi abo doctor bayangi tester but abayitholi imbangela angisizakali. lezilonda ziba i pimples elincane elinamanzi kwangathi ngishile siya ngokwanda ngihanguke ngaohakathi. ngike ngaya kumfundisi u mprofet wathi into eyenziwe kwantshontshwa impahla yami ive ivuselelwa. ngoba zike zithule may be 3 weeks zibuye and zimila wonke umzimba kuba mabhanyaza ngathi ngishile kanti cha. ngicela usizo

  2. Hi,been strugling with umeqo i stepped on presumably placed by a jealous women to whom i was not paying attention causes boils and pimples which are sore in my face,body,and legs.please help

  3. Ngesonto elidlulile ngiphuphe uBamncane engilethele amakhekheba ezinyosi (honeycombs) amahlophe ethi angidle phakathi kulele khekheba kunento emnyama nayo ngiyidlile. Ngenxa kaMamncane ubudlelwane abusekho buhle phakathi komndeni wakithi ekhaya elikhulu nowaka Bamncane. Bengicela umbono


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