Impepho burning to invoke the presence of the spirits
Impepho is not an ordinary herb that it seems to be
People of today have made Impepho (Incense) to appear as a common and an ordinary African medicine. It is no ordinary; it has been used by ancestors of many people of the world from ancient Hebrews to ancient Africans and to most of today’s world beliefs, cultures and traditions. It has been made a common thing by people selling it on the streets mainly in South Africa, at Mayi-mayi market in Johannesburg, Durban station in Durban and many towns surrounded by rural areas in KwaZulu Natal and Eastern Cape Provinces.
Selling of Impepho on the streets is not healthy according to the spirits
I think the selling of Impepho (incense) on the streets is opposed to traditional laws and ancestor requirements of sourcing Impepho. A person who harvest/source Impepho from the bush must be clean and a spirit abiding person, humbled and straight forward, somebody who fears and respect the spiritual laws of medicine. Impepho that has been sourced by a person who commits transgressions of any kind is bad; it is cursed by the spirits before it even starts to work.
Impepho demonized by the enemies of our African traditional religions
Impepho is a sacred herb that ever since has been used to bring about the presence of the spirits. From the ancient Israel of the foundation of the Abrahamic foundation to today Impepho is mentioned. It is only some people of today that have considered burning of Impepho a taboo because it has been demonized buy the western cultures and religions in doing ancestor worship, and the people are programmed to understand that doing Impepho burning is actual outlawed by foreign religions of which was forced into them.
Other nations have got their own Impepho in forms of lucky sticks
Impepho will never go, as generations come and pass, its use will be passed from one to another. There are lucky sticks burnt by the Indians and the Chinese to mention few and that is their Impepho, it has come from ancient Chinese and Indians and they wouldn’t give it away that easy. They wouldn’t want to be colonized altogether with their ancestors and all the system ways of their beliefs like we Africans were.
Khokhovula on this picture: Burning Impepho at the river at the bottom of the mountain for the clients who are taking revenge for their people who were bewitched to death
Impepho doesn’t just work alone, in most cases it needs to be mixed with other things
Impepho is an African medicine we use to call upon the presence of the spirits, it appeals to the spirits it also bring them into play. Impepho is mixed with many other African medicine and animal fats to call upon or summon the spirits. The picture above is showing Khokhovula burning Impepho and calling the spirits of his people to attend to them.
Putting the souls of the dead to rest through impepho mixed accordingly
These people had their family members killed through witchcraft; they have come to Khokhovula to do revenge and to put to rest the wandering and angry souls or spirits of their loved ones who died in unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, Impepho and other African medicines altogether with animal remains is burnt as an offering. People of old times of many world traditions and religions used Impepho in their spiritual connections.
This picture shows Impepho stored at Khokhovula’s work place / consulting place.
Good mixture of Impepho gets the spirits to like you
Impepho bring our ancestor spirits closer so that we can be able to make our requests to them. Some ancestors appreciate Impepho mixed with some fats. This combination works well together when you do your offerings and rituals. When you burn Impepho the spirits delight and get higher and listen to your requests and also attend to them.
You can burn impepho for yourself other than somebody doing it for you
Anyone can burn Impepho. There is this understanding that somebody, a specific person in the family has to burn Impepho for others to call the spirits for them. This is very dangerous sometimes; the same applies to the person who is entitled to talk with the spirits on behalf of everyone in the family. If this particular individual is not there at all, everything concerning the spiritual needs of the family comes to a standstill, they get stuck. There is nothing wrong with any member of the family to take Impepho mix it with whatever is required to consult with the ancestor spirits and consult right away? Isn’t it that these people are in the same bloodline, gins and DNAs with the one responsible for burning Impepho for the spirits on behalf of the rest?
The dangers of using another person in the family to burn impepho for you
We must remember that in many families of the world, there are family feuds, contradictions, conflicts and possibly hate and grudges that results mainly form jealous. What then is likely to happen if the person responsible for the burning of Impepho for the family is a jealous and a greedy individual who wouldn’t like others to get the blessings and some spiritual gifts from the ancestors?
He can use the spirits to cause problems to those he hates, and command the spirits to guide only those that he favors. (Just imagine somebody who has children who are suffering and have not achieved anything in life find himself having to thank the spirits for blessing another child in the family with good things), he may want to convert the blessings to his own son. After some time you hear people complaining about that person saying that he seems to be the only one succeeding in life when others in the family suffer. When one person burns Impepho for everybody else, it is only that person’s guides that rejoice and gain strength in that family. The whole family will be convinced that he is bewitching them when he performs the rituals.
What happens with the person who burns impepho for the family?
This person will get all sorts of bad labels because others will fight over the burning of impepho, claiming that they are the ones who are supposed to burn it, simply because they also want to burn it and succeed in life.
My opinion on the burning of impepho as Khokhovula
In my own opinion and the point of view as Khokhovula I think that it is wise for everyone to feel free and talk to the spirits, burning Impepho and calling upon them regardless whom/which member of that particular family it is. I understand that this person is the one who know his/her problems better; the next person will hardly know them all. If you are born in that family, those spirits have got to recognize you and welcome your burning of Impepho and rejoice and celebrate over your invoking of them (The ancestors) and respond positively.
When you are the one in charge of burning the Impepho for the whole family, and doing the rituals, you soon become an “enemy” in the family because people start to doubt you with the fact that
- The person burning the Impepho will make their own guides happy and their life will flourish when the rest of the family suffers. This is because he is the one who lights impepho and connect with the spirits, not because he does something bad to others.
- If he does well in his life, it is not because he is bewitching others but it is because each time he does a ritual, it makes his own guides happy and they thank him.
- For the other family members, it gets worse because their guides are suppressed by those of the one burning the Impepho all the time. Their guides become angry with them and start to create even more problems in their lives. The sad part is that the person who gets blamed for these problems is the one who burns Impepho for the family.
- When you burn Impepho for another member of the family, it doesn’t help that person because it only makes your own guides happy and this have a negative impact on the person you are performing the rituals for.
- Another problem occurs sometimes when you do an offering for a member of the family without knowing that your guides are less powerful than those of that person. The purpose of the consult then becomes a disaster as these spirits will fear those ones of the person you are trying to connect to the spirits.
What age can one be allowed to burn Impepho
Children must also learn to do their own burning of Impepho from an early stage so that as they grow, they continue to be able to consult with the ancestor spirits own their own. Sometimes you may dream about things that are going to happen, this is just an indication that you have some powers in you and you are heard by the spirits, you can use Impepho until your spirits come in your dreams and tell you it’s enough. No one is supposed to control the way you communicate with your own ancestors. We all have the same shares and rights in the services of our ancestors. Impepho burning for invoking the presence of the spirits lives and works, or simple use the sniffing of tobacco in place, they both work but still not all alone they need to be mixed by the hands of an expert.
I would like to buy lucky sticks for me and my family to protect our yard and the money we worked for.
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 give me a call and sorry for the late response i was on a spiritual journey
Thokoza Khokhovula,
My name is Phokoane and I have recently started burning impepho in my bedroom and my yard. I can’t openly in my house cos my family is Christians and they regard it as demons and the dark world. But I burn it anyway.
“I think the selling of Impepho (incense) on the streets is opposed to traditional laws and ancestor requirements of sourcing Impepho. A person who harvest/source Impepho from the bush must be clean and a spirit abiding person, humbled and straight forward, somebody who fears and respect the spiritual laws of medicine. Impepho that has been sourced by a person who commits transgressions of any kind is bad; it is cursed by the spirits before it even starts to work.” Like how can some of us get it because we don’t have places that impepho grows at. Our only option is to buy. And the ppl we buy from we don’t know if they good or bad. This is something I’ve been asking myself too. Regarding the fact that I wonder what kind of person she/he is as am giving him my 10rands and he’s giving me the impepho and burning it my house. Cos if it was up to I would just go pick it myself where it harvested.
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 give a call and sorry for the late response i was in a journey for spiritual purpose
Which african medicines and animal fats must i mix with the Impepho for medicine purposes like coughs, colds, infections, blood pressure, ashtma, tight chest, internal body pain, external body pain.
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 call me
I have a business and it is not prospering, i am employed full time but I don’t see anything positive. I also don’t have a child and i am 30
Khathu, how are you, I got your email, please call me on 0730373093 / 0726143795. Business especially with us the Africans needs rituals to succeed and sustain; please make time and call me for the arrangement of your help or advises on 0730373093 / 0726143795. Where are you situated if I may ask?
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 CAL ME
Dear Khokhovula fir almist a year l hv a problem with my ears they feel like they are blocked sometime feel like someone trying talk in my ears but l cant hear nd they sometime pain …can l burn impepho to my ears wilk that make it better
Thank you
Zandile, I got your email; sometime such things needs the reading so that we diagnose the exact problem and follow the method of help, the right one. make time and call me on 0730373093 / 0726143795
073 037 3093/072 614 3795
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 CALL ME
Dear khokhovula i read about your work i need help my father died of unnatural causes so I’m the only breadwinner in house and I’m suffering because of badluck i got a job but fail my driving assessments for no reason all the time please help me to pass
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 sorry for the late response i was away in a journey to connect with my ancestors and give me a call
Dear khokhovula i read about your work i need help my father died of unnatural causes so I’m the only breadwinner in house and I’m suffering because of badluck i got a job but fail my driving assessments for no reason all the time please help me to pass and how
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 call me and make arrangements of removing bad luck
Khokhovula you know i am Woking but i am not prospering in my life but I have started burning imphepo to seek advice from them because i love gambling but now days I have been loosing may there is something i don’t get it
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 give me a call and ,make a arrangements
Hi I have a problem with my relationship things are not going right and my man no longer loves me like he did before, he is always angry
That can be dealt with ukhona uZwanamina give me a call 073 037 3093/072 614 3795 and ngikulethele your man
Hi Lenn
I have a problem, I have been trying to finish my ancestral gift, but I seem to have a huge problem of ppl not helping me accordingly. and now am scared to go to other ppl cause one lady tried to kill me by using a the African calabash. please advise me on what must I do.
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 give me a call sosebenza
Thokoza mkhulu…igama lami its modie ngicela usizo ngihlushwa imimoya umangiya kobomgoma bathi idlozi ,abaprofethi bathi yisthunywa manje Im so confused ukuthi umoya wani ongphethe…futhi ngina maphupho amaningi ahlukene nendlebe enomsindo wezulu nezinyoni engizizwa umagilele,ngiphinde ngibe nama electric pulses angshaya wonke umzimba ngome…nokuduma nje kushoni lokho…angtholi usizo
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 give me a call and ngizakusiza
Dear khokhovula ,it is such an honour that u ‘rd advising ppl in a good way
I am for the people
Willing u to help me tp connect witj my ancerstors
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 call me and make arrangements
Hi. I feel my family and I are under some kind of attack and struggle to find jobs. The kids school marks miraculously dropped and the situation keep getting worse. U need ya help
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 give me a call and get to work
Dear the Great One.I desperately need to be rich and wealthy quickly. I want to be a famous and powerful business person. I have recently started my own business. It’s an individual business called Sahara & Associates. It is involved in Building and construction work, renovations of houses and offices, painting, roofing, plumbing and paving etc. However, I have no money to support it. I need this business to grow very quickly and have lots of clients, and also to win big tenders.
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 give me a call and i will help you and guide you