Sanctified wealth with the power spirits, be blessed to bless, be anointed to anoint, be ordained to ordain, be prophetic to prophecies, be wondrous in doing miracles, be miraculous, and be spiritually filled with the power to lead your church, business or organization profitable. Be a role model, have many-many members, be a crowd puller, be followed, have stooge members and fans that follow you and contribute to your success;
Do miraculous and power prayers, have people falling and get possessed when you pray for them or just spiritually work on them. Find all these powers with Khokhovula The Great one in his spiritual centre, the Shrine and the spiritual hub in Makwe Communal lands in Gwanda Zimbabwe. Spiritual powers with the Great Khokhovula Gwanda Zimbabwe.
Yes, we cannot deny that human life on earth is characterized with many problems; each day comes with its emerging problems because life does not come with everything we want every time, we need to work and pray to God and our Ancestors. In any situation where the hope has been lost the Great Khokhovula through the anointing powers form God, the Oracles and the Ancestors will lighten the whole of your lost magnificence making you to have the life full of abundance.
For sure Your God, the Oracles and your purified and invoked ancestors would not want to be ashamed by your disgraces they will make sure you prosper to get the appraisals of their guardianship on you as useful Ancestor spirits or guiding Angels
In every problems our Ancestors, God, the guiding Angels, the Oracles and we the spirit mediums and masters have the solution.
I wish that every soul on earth prospers and be free of all earthly problems and always win over and succeed and I solely feel the part of the army in the spiritual realm against poverty, suffering and the worries, I attend to this in so many factors of traditional and spiritual healing as well as the cultural and traditional affairs and rituals of many people of this world.
My people the Khokhovula Community, we live the live to be faced by wars of life every day, if we are not faced by these wars our powers will not be approved or tested as it needs be. In South Africa I have seen what I may call ‘Spiritual impurities amongst many’ due to my fame and my big name Khokhovula people are impersonating themselves as me ‘Khokhovula Gundabaloyi’ Lenn Morton Ndebele to rob people money. This is bad but it simple tells you that I Khokhovula is a big man and a spiritually powerful healer of all times that everybody wants to be.
I repeat again, South Africa this is only happening on your soil, I have people all over the world who follow me and rely on my traditional services, they have never impersonated themselves as me Khokhovula, or to SIM Swap my phone numbers to rob the people, What is wrong with South Africa and its spirituality?
To stop this South Africa I have decided to work from home in Zimbabwe. My righteous people will follow me, and those who have tasted the fruits of my spiritual works will come to me to Zimbawe. Those who are conning each other in Khokhovula’s name by being the bunch of faked Khokhovulas, amongst them Kelvin Tshikalange of Tshilamba Village in Venda and Thamsanqa Nsele of KZN a 1995 born gay raster both residing in Gauteng, the people you rob and the law will deal with you, and my people the Khokhovula community will take care of that, you will soon regret. Why and why South Africa, have you become a democracy of the playground of fraud and conning?
Every one, you are the children and the children of the spirits, at Khokhovula we demand our blessing and the true blessings from our spirits of the highest good, God, our Ancestors, and our guiding Angels, beware of the enemies that want to hinder you and block your blessings. At Khokhovula we expect and welcome everyone from all spheres of the world who come and connect with their spiritual guides and receive the blessings
A Word from the Lord and the spirits of the highest good: It Is Still Not Too Late!
Sacred wealth at Khokhovula: The one-stop Spiritual Home for your Life Changing.
Khokhovula Spiritual Centre is a Deliverance non-denominational spirit-filled worldwide mission and a frontline spiritual outfit with over two decade presence in this field. Also as part of our ordained spiritual calling, we produce highly consecrated Spiritual and traditional Muthi, Oils for Churches, Shepherds, Ministers, Miraculous powerful and prophetic Pastors and Bishops as well as all spiritualists including Nyangas, Sangoms and Sanusi and Brethren all over the world.
My Life Changing Social networks on internet and the website:, Lenn Morton Ndebele on Facebook; Khokhovula Facebook page; Khokhovulakhokhovula Ndebele on Linkedin; Lenn Morton Ndebele on Twitter; Khokhovula Gundabaloyi on Google plus. I specialize in contents that guides spiritual and practical I give powers those who want to conduct spiritual works as healers and leaders in those sectors. I also deal with sound spiritual teachings and anointing impartation, deliverance, self-help, healing, mind power, inspiration & other similar subjects. Many of my writings are extremely rare & sought after. My social networks and the website have gone worldwide to satisfy the children of the spirits and customers who return to me time after time.
Spiritual Oils: Our highly consecrated ORIGINAL Spiritual Oils for all purposes have no rival in the field and have been used over the years and testified to by people who have discovered their high efficacious spiritual powers to meet their needs. The Churches, Pastors and the bishops are the prominent clients in this field, they resell it to their people for profit but it is all confidential.
There is always extra cost for Postage & Packing depending on the distance to be posted to and the size of the parcel. All orders must be strictly arranged through Zimbabwean supplied numbers on this article to avoid fraud and corruption, but still I charge extra fees for those customers wishing to use prioritized postal and courier services.
Finally, I have brought to you highly consecrated Spiritual items for good things of life. In today’s spiritual reality and needs, you can now have higher spiritual power to fulfill God-given destiny.
Overview of my services to Humanity
I have brought you here the combination of my social networks and website for your exploration and benefits.
As time goes, I will also let you know more about developments of the Khokhovula community which consist of the Cultural village on top of my mysterious mountain Makwe in my area in Gwanda in Zimbabwe, at Centre Resort and a holiday centre, a Computer and gaming Centre, an entertainment center for visitors and the locals. Outside my spiritual jobs I’m blessed with the Gold mines and I’m developing them from small scale to big mines. I PERSONALLY CONSIDER IT A SIN TO BE SPIRITUALLY GIFTED AND BE POOR! MANY SPIRITUALISTS OFFER HELP TO PEOPLE BUT WHEN YOU LOOK AT THEM, THEY NEED HELP THEMSELVES, SO SAD. Khokhovula’s writings and spiritual services have got relevance that offers to reshape your life.
The information you find on Khokhovula’s social networks and the website will definitely help you greatly in your race to fulfilling your spiritual destiny. But be careful of people impersonating themselves as Khokhovula to rob you, we have never had any of these con artists and fraudsters in other parts of the world except spiritually confused South Africa. I ASSURE YOU THOSE WHO PLAY WITH THE NAME KHOKHOVULA IN THAT WAY WILL NEVER END GOOD; THE ORRACLES ARE OUT FOR THEM. MY GUYS ‘NKISI’ WILL FIND THEM.
I WILL BE DOING CULTURAL EXCHANGE WITH THE WHOLE WORLD SOON; the purpose of these divine projects is to transform lives for good by the mighty power of our Ancestors and God to His glory and make each one of us in the world understand and respect one another’s cultures and traditions, ‘Identity’. Based on the Spirit of the highest good, the Holy Spirit revelations to discover hidden mysteries about life, Sanctified Wealth, Success spiritually Guidance, I bring you a world of spiritual exposition in every area of life and much, much more…!
From this day as you discover these Khokhovula’s writings with utmost understanding and consideration , you can begin to protect yourself from the clutches of evil barriers, evil spirits molestations, sickness and oppression, spiritual embargoes and limitations, wicked witchcraft and psychic attacks and arrows, black magic, curses and other woes which the strongholds and principalities have imposed upon your life and destiny. These impossibilities in your life which could not be solved in the past are now possible through total Spiritual awakening specially packaged for you and only waiting for you to take decisive actions in fulfilling your goals as you explore my social networks and the website. STILL BE CAREFUL OF PEOPLE WHO MIGHT WANT TO ROB YOU PRETENDING TO BE KHOKHOVULA. (More especially in South Africa where there is spiritual dirtiness and confusion) Khokhovula is in Zimbabwe Makwe Village in Gwanda Matebeleland South.

Khokhovula doing true and humble success rituals as opposed to ukuthwala for money and wealth, he is connecting to the humble and culm spirits of wealth, and he is receiving the water deities’ powers as opposed to magic.
At the moment I have not created a Support Team, I’m working with family, more especially my wife who attends to the issues, matters and problems of women with my directions. A Support team will be formed but here within the cultural village to avoid corruption and fraud, the Support team has to be specially constituted to offer advice and help you in Spiritual matters and other issues of life that you might need assistance, and they must according to Khokhovula’s system of work be fully trained and qualify to do so. As the Spiritual Head of this Divine village ‘Khokhovula’, I will personally work on you, pray for you, anoint you and bless you. My ultimate desire is to see you fulfill your divine goals in life.
Spiritual Answers and Directives that you get here are infused with higher powers and spirits and are blessed with success in everything and every act leading to abundant joy and fulfillment of your Ancestor and God-given destiny on earth. STILL THERE IS ONE KHOKHOVULA ON EARTH; ‘ME’ those few robbing people saying you are Khokhovula in South Africa please stop it before———I
HOLY WEALTH WITH KHOKHOVULA: The one-stop Spiritual Home for your Life Changing.
Khokhovula is a Deliverance, non-denominational spirit-filled worldwide mission and a frontline spiritual outfit with over two decade presence in this field. Also as part of my ordained spiritual calling, I produce highly consecrated Spiritual Muthi, Oils for Churches, Shepherds, Ministers, Pastors, Bishops, Business people, Sangomas, Nyangas, Sanusi, leaders in different organisations and Brethren all over the world.
Khokhovula’s life Changing writings: I specialize in spiritual writings and also deal with sound cultural and spiritual teachings and anointing impartation, deliverance, self-help, healing, mind power, inspiration & other similar subjects. I also do power giving to spiritualist to be prophetic and miraculous. Many of my writings are extremely rare & sought after. My writings are read worldwide to satisfied customers who return to me time after time.
Spiritual Oils: Our highly consecrated ORIGINAL Spiritual traditional Oils for all purposes have no rival in the field and have been used over the years and testified to by people who have discovered their high efficacious spiritual powers to meet their needs. Muthi for rituals and powers,
Postage & Packing on all orders is charged depending on the distance to post, there is extra fees for those customers wishing to use prioritized postal services.
Finally, I have brought to you highly consecrated Spiritual items for good things of life. In today’s spiritual reality and needs, you can now have higher spiritual power to fulfill God-given destiny
I want to be a known young prophet in South Africa l
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 give me a call and i am back from the spiritual journey.sorry for the late response
I phoned the numbers given above. A woman who says she is your wife answered, what confuses me thou is that you say you based in Zimbabwe but she said you are located somewhere in Gauteng. Is this true, how do i know it is not an impostor, I mean i was quoted a lot of money for what i need so how do i make sure that it is you and I am not taken for a ride for my hard earned money?
Read well, I go to Zimbabwe for some bigger rituals on my mountain of powers and the river pool of miracles. My wife helps me in receiving calls and in many aspects of my spiritual work. You people are easily confused, in a company you can talk to a PA OF A PRESIDENT YOU DON’T GET CONFUSED WHY WITH US sANGOMAS? This Khokhovula spiritual company is big with wife and children helping; don’t confuse yourself
I feel like I’m blocked somewhere, whenever I try something when m about to get it a night before I’ll dream eating or someone forcing me 2 have sex with them, the following day when I do follow up ppl will reject whatever I asked or babe less interested. M worried I have a deal on the month end its a lot of money, what if the same thing will happen again and loose the deal. Its hurting so much. People will make promises when it comes to fulfilling them same thing will happen and loose I’m so bitter and angry with what is happening.