Uvutha is a very cruel thing; Uvutha is when they have sent you the goblins to burn your house or your belongings in particular. When uvutha start to trouble you, you really wonder how it happens because sometime it can burn your clothes but not your flesh, in other ways it can burn your in house property and not your house.
We have heard of so many stories of the evil fires if you talk about them to some people who don’t believe these things exist they will laugh at you but believe you in me these things happens.
There is this family that had the problem of uvutha the strange fires that could come from nowhere and burn the property in the house. The family decided to look for help form spiritualist, the church, traditional healers, the prophets and so on but to no avail. Until the family made an offer that anyone who could put that fire off and return it to those who are tormenting them, they would pay him R50 000 and give him a corsa van. When another man who does prophecy altogether with traditional healing heard about that, he rushed to the family and fast, fast he started performing his casting of the fire.
The man was seen turning around with the flames of fire burning, he put the fire off but out of all the people he was the only one burnt by the evil fire of the witches. The family was honest, they gave him R50 000 and the corsa van but the man did not drive the van he only spent the money on trying to get help from other prophets, sangomas and inyangas because he was burnt, all his body was full of fire within. The man eventually died, I am the last person who tried to help him but in vain because he already was cooked.
Uvutha the evil fires of witches and wizards have eaten so many properties and the people. Uvutha can be stopped very easily, try to find out from the spirits what kind of the spirit is used to perform this dirt work, also find out why would this things want to burn only this particular family. Maybe they are not bewitched, may be they are the witches themselves or they started some people with the same uVutha and it was returned to them. Then if you can’t examine this you may get into crossfire.
My name is Khokhovula I am a spiritual healer, a sangoma and an inyanga.
My contacts are: +27 73 0373 093 +27 72 6143 795
My e mail is: [email protected]

This man was burnt by Uvutha evil fires when he was trying to help a particular family
This man was burnt by Uvutha evil fires when he was trying to help a particular family. He was taken by the love of money but he lost a very special thing he needed the most, His life. He got the money but he lost his life. In everything one does within spiritual wars, has to be strong and mach the challenge by the opposition.

Khokhovula’s two years old Sangoma daughter is performing the light invitation ritual, and her uncle is amazed at the wonders performed by the child her age
If someone is not listen to u.his listen to her mom.always .whenever is wrong or right what I suppose to do help me
073 037 3093/072 614 3795 call me and ukhona uZwanamina and ngixolise ngokubya late bengino hambo ngokomoya