The horn power was used mostly in the hornage and everybody was mad about it. The man’s belief of horn powers can be trace as far back as beliefs, worships and the Gods were discovered. Hornes have been understood and believed to have magic powers ever since, in some beliefs it is said to have healing powers in others it is said to have magic and spiritual powers. For instance the Rhino have nearly come to an extinct with the human belief of its supposed healing properties. If it really does cure and then that is one example of the powers of the horn. I personally have a belief that the Rhino horn does something positive. It wouldn’t be this buchered for years with so much larger amounts of monies involved if it was not useful.
The horn power is strong, all the killing and the butchering of the rhino is because of its horn, some people are roting in prisons for the rhino killings but others are still willing to risk that because of its market price(The power and the importance of the horn).
You can fight evil with this horn even if the enemy probably a witch, is faraway
This picture shows the horn of revenge and power to fight the witches and the wizards. The knife you see attached to the horn is used spiritual as a weapon to reach the enemy in a very far away place. Remember the enemy here is a witch or a wizard who have caused the family grief and death. When you are doing your revenge you use the depicted horn on the photo. You can fight evil with this horn even if the enemy probably a witch, is faraway. The use of horns goes back to Babylonen times of Nebukadinezar and Daniel (Belsahazar) of the old testament to Joshua the son of Nun to the Pagans and the Christians though Christians have demonised them.
Doing the horn revenge with Khokhovula

This man is taking revenge on the people who nearly finished his family through which craft
Here this man is taking revenge on the people who nearly finished his family through which craft, they killed a lot of his people and now it is hia turn for revenge and his is doing it the horn way with Khokhovula.
The fire and the horn power combined
This is the man and his woman taking the revenge through the horn power, the horn power here is combined with the fire, and the mountain powers as you can see it is done on the mountain and there I the fire in front of then (The revenge to the witch though the horn powers combined with other powers such as water, forest, mountain, fire and the domestic spirits.
Controlling the revenge by closing the knife
At the end of the fighting ritual one has to close the knife so that the revenge doesn’t exceed even to the bloodline that did not do the killing. The revenge has to be justified as not to harm people who doesn’t know nothing about the matter which caused the revenge. When witches were enemies, revenge with the horn vengeance.