Power gluttony and Power greed is a disease that kills some Legacies

Now My dream, Khokhovula’s dream about Great President Robert Gabriel Mugabe. In my dream he was in a deep navy suit, somebody came and removed the suit from him and shortly he was wearing a two piece blue working overall (worksuit). After that I saw him in a train greeting people and being very nice to people. I in a dream then said “look at Mugabe he is very kind to people, he even have adjusted to take the level status of ordinary people, that really means he is a good President”. I went on to tell people in the dream that “look he is even using a train than those expensive luxurious cars as the symbol and significance to the love and interaction with people on the ground”. Just after my saying (in a dream), the clouds started to show the sign of forming rains and there after I saw the earth’s trees and all plants blossoming but President Mugabe the man was still in his overalls waving to people in a train that was moving slowly.