Miracles and to be Miraculous

A miracle is an occasion not explainable by natural or scientific act, such an event may be accredited to a supernatural being (God, gods or deities), a miracle performer, a saint or a religious leader. The word “miracle” is often used to typify any useful happening that is statistically unlikely but not contrary to the laws of nature, such as passing the border post invisible without anyone seeing you, Crossing the river walking on top of water, Praying for people making them get possessed and fall down, or simply a “wonderful” occurrence, regardless of likelihood, such as having your accounts paid up without you having done so in person. Other miracles might be: survival of a chronic disease diagnosed as incurable through muthi, prayer powers, spiritual powers with the work of a miracle worker, saint or a religious leader; or simply escaping a life-threatening state of affairs or ‘ overcoming the negativity of any sort’. There are many other things that may be seen as miracles. Prophesying people telling them things like a friend or enemy’s phone number etc.