The breakup spell (Isichitho) of allergies which comes in forms of itching and pealing skin, ringworm and skin reaction that behaves like Eczema.
Isichitho sotwayi/ukuluma komzimba/ukusthanduka kwesikhuphe sengangathi uphashile/ukhwekhwe thizeni oluhambisana nemimbandama besekuyaluma sengathi uhaqazwe yimbabazane.
This kind of isichitho is very deadly, dangerous and fatal because sometime it hides when you go for a hospital check, the western specialist will diagnose nothing wrong in your body yet it is continuing to eat you up. Untreated it results in death after a long pain, itching, and all that irritation of itches. This mainly starts by attacking your private parts and surrounding areas of your body.
Lesichitho sibi kakhulu ngoba siqala ngokuhlasela invamisa izindawo ezisondelene nangasese kuya ngasezinkwapheni mhlampe nakhona ngasese uqobo. Kokunye umzimba uyavumbuka kwezinye izindawo zawo kulume kube sekuyavela amabala abomvu noma amnyama, kokunye kuvela amabala sengathi umuntu ushiswe nge ayina kodwa nalapho ukuluma akuyeki ukubakhona

This kind of isichitho attacks even places like on the soft sides of the neck, the elbows but the opposite side inside, the knees but at the back below the thighs at the back to the knees behind it itches so bad.